Ways to Make Your Business Scalable or Salable
De-center yourself. Even if you are still executing the deliverable yourself, make sure you are selling an outcome rather than access to you.
Center Your Business Around Whatever You Want
We live in a capitalist dystopia that tells us profits are the only thing worth working for, but I think we can define our success by whatever the fuck metric we want to.
How Not to Hate Your Business in a Year
Also known as, make it scalable and saleable from the start, even if you don’t plan to scale or sale. Also ALSO known as, what I didn’t do the first time I built a business that I did the second time.
Are We High-Achieving or Just Scared?
Are we just so shitty at emotional regulation that it feels better to accomplish than it does to be present in our bodies? Is that by design? Explore more about the intersection of high functioning achievement and fear.
Love Between Projectors and Generators or Manifesting Generators: Boundaries are Badass
Love between projectors and generators or manifesting generators requires some special understanding… and boundaries, baby. It’s a thing. Human Design offers a values-neutral guide to what everyone needs to feel healthy and whole and can be useful tool in navigating important aspects of any relationship.
Human Design Projector - 6 Dilemmas for the Newest Human Design Type
A Projector is one of the five Human Design personality types. It is the newest type according to the system, entering our world in 1781, and comes with its own dilemmas for thriving in a world designed for sacral beings (Manifesting Generators and Generators) who make up the majority (70%) of the population.