The Power of Human Design: How Each Type Can Lead the Revolution
In a world that demands conformity, there is a growing wave of individuals who are meant to break the mold, challenge the status quo, and dismantle the oppressive systems that keep us small. Human Design is not just a tool for self-discovery; it's a blueprint for rebellion. Each type within the system has a unique role to play in this revolution. Understanding your type and embracing your role can help you create profound change, both in your life and in the world.
Reminders for the Revolution by Human Design Type: Dismantling Capitalism and Reclaiming Your Power
Capitalism, at its core, is a system designed to exploit your energy, profit from your exhaustion, and keep you in a state of self-doubt. The message is clear: the more you produce, the more valuable you are. But here's the truth: you don’t need alignment to “call in abundance”—what you truly need is alignment to destroy the systems that were built to keep you small.
Healthy Boundaries for Each Human Design Type
In Human Design, each type has a unique approach to setting and respecting boundaries. Understanding how to honor your own boundaries—and recognize when others are doing the same—can help you cultivate healthier, more aligned relationships.
Yes, I Know. Your Human Design Strategy is Annoying AF.
Let’s be honest. If you’re reading this, chances are your Human Design strategy feels like a massive pain in the ass. Whether you’re a Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector, the advice you’ve been given about how to live your life doesn’t always land well. But let’s take a deep breath and look at why these strategies matter—and how they can actually help you.
Stop Using Your Human Design Type to Justify Codependency
As someone who works closely with Human Design and the intricacies of relationships, I see a lot of people using their type to justify unhealthy patterns like codependency. But your Human Design is meant to empower you—not enable you to continue old habits that hold you back. Let’s dive into this and see how codependency manifests in each type.
Be Scared and Do It Anyway
What no one is telling you about building a business is that you will always be scared, it will never be pretty & you never get to know how it ends until it ends.
Ways to Make Your Business Scalable or Salable
De-center yourself. Even if you are still executing the deliverable yourself, make sure you are selling an outcome rather than access to you.
Center Your Business Around Whatever You Want
We live in a capitalist dystopia that tells us profits are the only thing worth working for, but I think we can define our success by whatever the fuck metric we want to.
How Not to Hate Your Business in a Year
Also known as, make it scalable and saleable from the start, even if you don’t plan to scale or sale. Also ALSO known as, what I didn’t do the first time I built a business that I did the second time.
Are We High-Achieving or Just Scared?
Are we just so shitty at emotional regulation that it feels better to accomplish than it does to be present in our bodies? Is that by design? Explore more about the intersection of high functioning achievement and fear.
Love Between Projectors and Generators or Manifesting Generators: Boundaries are Badass
Love between projectors and generators or manifesting generators requires some special understanding… and boundaries, baby. It’s a thing. Human Design offers a values-neutral guide to what everyone needs to feel healthy and whole and can be useful tool in navigating important aspects of any relationship.