Your life is more than just work, you want to truly live and honor your body along the way.

We can talk all day about your job, but if you are burn out, exhausted and on the edge of physical crisis, work is not the place to start.


01. Reclaim Your Health: Biomarkers for Living

Seize control of your destiny by decoding the secrets of your adrenal function, hormone levels, and critical biomarkers. This is more than just health—it's your blueprint for a long, empowered life. Because you matter, and your presence in this world is non-negotiable.

Transform Your Connections

Break free from outdated communication patterns and elevate your relationships to new heights. Your well-being is intertwined with those around you, and by hacking your interaction styles, you create unbreakable bonds that fuel your mental and emotional strength.

Radical Nutrition and Movement: Redefine Your Body’s Fuel

Challenge the status quo by revolutionizing your approach to food and physical activity. Nourish your body with purpose, and push your physical limits to tap into an unstoppable source of energy and vitality. It's time to demand more from your body—and get it.

Unleash the Power of Plant Medicine

Step into a new era of self-discovery with plant medicine as your guide. This isn’t just wellness; it’s a journey into the depths of your inner world. Explore with intention, and unlock the wisdom of nature to fuel your personal revolution.

Longevity with Purpose

Defy the conventional limits of aging and step into a future where longevity is the norm. Biohacking is your weapon against time, ensuring you live a life of purpose and power. You are here for a reason, and it’s time to make that reason count.

Explore Rêv unique human design mentoring programs focused on leveling up your overall health and vitality.


Vitality Specialist, Karla Gomez, MA, is all in.

Karla transformed her entire life and career to align with her deepest values and personal mission. But even after the radical shift, her nervous system rebelled, throwing her into a whirlwind of dramatic physical symptoms, as if it hadn't received the message that everything had changed.

Now thriving in her best life, Karla is on a relentless mission to help others reclaim their peace, both in body and mind. She operates at the cutting edge where mental resilience, physical vitality, and the ancient wisdom of nature converge, guiding people to break free from the chains holding them back and rediscover their true selves.

You aren’t paired with an associate.

Your mentor is a seasoned expert who has been there and is ready to elevate your experience of life, while reminding you that space is possible.

It’s like your best friend, happens to be an exceptionally skilled mental health provider, and all their friends are the people you’ve been looking for to help you feel better.

Explore vitality work with Rêv as part of their powerful human design mentoring programs.


Chris Wilson Lives It.

Chris had it all from the outside, living the capitalist dream with an oceanfront apartment in Southern California and a lucrative corporate job with tons of power. But inside, he was losing control of his life.

Chris walked away from it all, hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and began an new existence. He had to get sober, wrangle his inner demons and learn who he was in an entirely new light. Now he is using the same sharp strategies that made him excel within capitalism to break it apart by teaching others to reclaim their lives.

Human Design Tip: Vitality work at Rêv is especially meaningful for people with defined sacral centers (Generators & Manifesting Generators) who are feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with their lives or people with undefined sacral centers (Projectors, Manifestors & Reflectors) who are at a point of physical or mental health issues because they are so exhausted or flooded.


This is more than healing.

It's a revolution of self.