At Rêv, we harness the radical power of HUMAN DESIGN to unlock your potential & align your life with your deepest values.

Understand your unique self, make tough decisions, revolutionize your life and business, and contribute to the world without sacrificing your wellbeing.


Break Free of Capitalism’s Conditioning

Human Design is your roadmap to rebellion. Decode your unique design and gain profound insights into who you truly are.

Achieve Authentic Alignment

Defy the norm and align every decision with your core self by exploring your specific strategy and authority. This authenticity ensures effective and fulfilling actions.

Enhance Your Wellbeing

Operating against your design leads to burnout and stress. Use Human Design to harness and manage your energy, allowing you to contribute to the world without compromising your health.

Contribute Meaningfully

Aligned individuals are powerful change-makers. Discover what’s fully aligned in your life and channel your talents into making a meaningful impact.

Create Sustainable Success

True success supports your wellbeing and aspirations. Human Design offers a path to achieve goals naturally and sustainably.

Human Design dives into the core of who you are, facilitating rapid, profound change in any aspect of your life.


Our founder, Alex Mufson, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, knows the power of deep, clinical work. But after her own life-changing experience with Human Design, she realized her clients could skip years of therapy and fast-track to the part where life gets better. Human Design dives into the core of who you are, facilitating rapid, profound change in any aspect of your life.

Personalized Readings

Expert-guided readings that illuminate your path and potential.

Strategic Integration

Practical strategies to integrate your design into daily life.

Ongoing Support

Continuous guidance to ensure you stay true to your path.

At Rêv, we harness the radical power of Human Design to unlock your potential and align your life with your deepest values. What is human design? It's a roadmap to decoding your unique design and gain powerful insights into who you truly are.

I agreed to a Human Design reading with Alex and the level of accuracy with which she explained the core of my being through an analysis of my chart was quite honestly mind-blowing. [Alex] immediately provided tools for how to begin detaching from my current way of operating in the world to effectively changing specific behaviors to act in a more harmonious modality. For me, this was learning to say no to offers that didn’t serve myself and to take more time to rest and reset; to genuinely consider my personal needs and honor them. Read more.

— Wilson Raska, 4/6 Emotional Projector

Co-Founder, A Thousand Arms


Contribute to the world without sacrificing your wellbeing. Be part of the revolution prioritizing humanity over profit.

Sign up for your personalized Human Design chart and start your journey to true alignment.


A Human Design reading to dig deep into your chart for guidance on how to make decisions that feel good, propel you forward, and maximize your positive impact on the world. Come with a specific question or simply curiosity, and we will go deep, fast.

If you would like a more in depth Human Design experience, please book a 3-day Manifest with Alex. If at the completion of either Human Design Readings you choose to jump into a Nurture or Grow package with the Rêv Design Mentor, your reading will be applied to your next package.