I have known Alex as a friend for nearly a decade and we have kept in touch across multiple personal ventures and business endeavors, occasionally meeting up and talking for hours about a wide variety of topics. When she invited me to have a casual live chat on her social platform, I had difficulty scheduling a time that would work amidst my insanely packed schedule. She made the comment that I was far too busy for a being a projector.
This struck me as a peculiar comment, as this type of over-working and over-booking to the point of exhaustion had become my standard operating procedure for nearly the last 20 years and I had never genuinely considered an alternative. I agreed to Human Design work with Alex and the level of accuracy with which she explained the core of my being through an analysis of my chart was quite honestly mind-blowing. Having been somewhat versed in astrology, Kabbalah, chakras and psychology, this system made perfect sense in the way that it brought together these seemingly disparate fields of study into a cohesive blueprint of my unique design and immediately provided tools for how to begin detaching from my current way of operating in the world to effectively changing specific behaviors to act in a more harmonious modality. For me, this was learning to say no to offers that didn’t serve myself and to take more time to rest and reset; to genuinely consider my personal needs and honor them.
Alex has a unique way of exploring new realms of thought and alternative ways of doing things, and I can honestly say this new venture of hers comes from a place of deep passion and wanting to help and heal, both individuals and the world. There is a genuine excitement she exudes every instant where she is able to show someone who they are and it happened for me continually throughout our initial conversation. The system is profound, Alex is adept at translating it in a very tangible and applicable way, and I am 100% on-board to explore it, and myself, to a far deeper level.